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My sleep is being destroyed by this iOS 17 bug

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    Image for article titled This iOS 17 Bug Is Killing My Sleep

    Graphic: Poetra.RH (Shutterstock)

    Like more than half of adult Americans, I need a little noise to go to sleep. Some use a white noise machine or their TV, but my preference is podcasts playing on my phone. At least that was my preferred method until iOS 17 came along and messed things up.

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    Apple’s latest iOS rolled out on Sept. 18 and along with causing iPhone 15s to overheat, it also causes some iPhones to restart randomly overnight. One way to tell if this is happening to your phone is if you have to plug in your passcode to unlock the phone or take a look at the Battery section in Settings to see if your phone’s activity drops to nothing, as mine does around 6 AM.

    Image for article titled This iOS 17 Bug Is Killing My Sleep

    Photo: Screenshot by Oscar Gonzalez

    For me, this sudden quietness that happens when the phone shuts off can be disruptive to my sleep as I wake up early in the morning wondering why it’s so quiet. It also requires me to restart the podcast I was listening to in order to get back to sleep and that’s a bit of a task to do while half-asleep.

    Apple has yet to address this restart issue. The next iPhone OS update, iOS 17.1, will be released for beta users next week, but according to MacRumors, it does not include a fix for the problem.

    Apple didn’t respond to a Gizmodo request for comment on the issue.

    Hopefully, the iPhone maker will hear the pleas from iPhone owners, like myself, who want their phones to continue to pump out noise throughout the night so we can get some sleep.


    Article information

    Author: Martin Morrow

    Last Updated: 1698133082

    Views: 1713

    Rating: 3.6 / 5 (81 voted)

    Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Martin Morrow

    Birthday: 2009-02-22

    Address: 16280 Chaney Ports Apt. 160, North Davidborough, NC 71143

    Phone: +4333089892663758

    Job: Museum Curator

    Hobby: Juggling, Astronomy, Dancing, Running, Photography, Crochet, Writing

    Introduction: My name is Martin Morrow, I am a honest, clever, dear, fearless, skilled, proficient, unwavering person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.